This is why we're REcluttering our homes for Lockdown 2.0

While Lockdown 1.0 had the nation decluttering, Lockdown 2.0 has got us doing the reverse. Here's why we are all for it...

gold picture frames with a post card and music notes
(Image credit: Nkuku)

Lockdown 1.0 saw many of us confined to our homes for longer than ever before. At a crazy time when we were stripped of our norms and an unbelievable situation left us, as humans, with little control, we took to controlling what we could: our homes.

And so, with the need for our humble dining table to become a home office, a school for the kids, a playroom and a calming space to eat (sometimes all at once) it's no wonder the nation took to decluttering. Getting rid of things we didn't need and creating more breathing space for our new little world was somewhat cathartic, giving us back a feeling of empowerment.

And now here we are in Lockdown 2.0, the winter edition. And surprisingly, we're taking to REcluttering our homes. We're ditching the clean, minimalist lines, and filling our homes with sentimental items that remind us of happier times! Think Cottagecore and similar trends that embrace the art of clutter.

If you want to get the balance right and do some DEcluttering too, check out our Marie Kondo tidying up tips too. 

Shoe designer Jacqueline has filled her renovated Edwardianhome with vintage furniture, art, plants and curios from Her travels

(Image credit: Jemma Watts)

Homeware brand Silver Mushroom has found a 300 per cent increase in sales of picture frames and decorative objects. While we can't see our friends and family, we're surrounding ourselves with photos of them, with a sense of hope for better times to come. 

It goes without saying that your home environment can impact how you feel. So while sunbathing in the garden won't be a mood boosting option this lockdown, surround yourself with things that make you happy. From photos of fond memories, to your favourite artwork, motivational sayings, extra soft bedding or even just a big new mug, it's time to harness control of what you can (again) to keep your spirits afloat. 

If you need a little inspiration, we have a guide on how to display collections in your home and remember, we'll be here for you throughout lockdown, sharing all the best buys for a cosy and happy home. 

Amelia Smith
Content Editor

After joining Real Homes as content producer in 2016, Amelia has taken on several different roles and is now content editor. She specializes in style and decorating features and loves nothing more than finding the most beautiful new furniture, fabrics and accessories and sharing them with our readers. As a newbie London renter, Amelia’s loving exploring the big city and mooching around vintage markets to kit out her new home.