Should dogs be allowed on the couch? Real Homes readers give their verdict

We asked you on Instagram and Twitter where you stand on the debate

blue velvet pudding sofa from loaf
(Image credit: Loaf)

Should dogs be allowed on the couch? For some dog owners, it's a firm no, while many dogs would be extremely put out if their owners renounced their comfy spot on the sofa and made them sit on the floor...

Indeed, whether your best pet pals deserve a spot on your best couch is a controversial subject. So, we asked you where you stand on the dogs on couch debate, and reached out to two experts for their thoughts on the matter.

dog sitting in front of christmas tree

(Image credit: Jollyes)

Should dogs be allowed on the couch?

On Twitter, two-thirds of you (60%) said yes, dogs should be given the luxury of some chill-out time on the sofa. A small number (8%) said 'yes, but only on a blanket.'

Meanwhile, just over a third (32%) were totally against the idea. Over on Instagram, 60% said yes, and 40% said no. Obviously, it depends on a number of factors — if you have a very hairy dog and a brand new light gray linen sofa, you might encourage them to snooze elsewhere.

Charlie Marshall, Loaf founder says dogs on the sofa isn't a huge no-no as their sofas are designed with busy homes in mind. 'However, if you worry about the fabric on your sofa then we recommend our Clever Velvets, Wool and Leather,' Charlie says. In the hope that this would make cleaning a couch a little easier.

dog on a sofa

(Image credit: Getty)

'These fabric ranges all have high rub counts, good durability, and will hold their own against pretty much anything. We also offer removable covers on some of our sofa styles,' the Loaf founder adds. 

'These are great if you want an extra layer of protection, and they can be easily cleaned in situ by a specialist dry cleaner when you need them refreshed.'

Jj Girow, owner of Explorer Paws Dog Walking and Dog Grooming points out that it completely depends on what you want from your dog as an owner. 'If you are looking for a companion then it seems silly to make them sit on the floor.

Snug Rebel sofa

(Image credit: Snug)

'However, if you have yourself a working dog and you want to set clear boundaries then not allowing them onto the sofa would seem like a good way to go,' Jj adds.

Ultimately, it depends on how well-behaved your dog is, and how precious you are about your couch. If you've just invested in the best one money can buy but enjoy doggy cuddles, you can always lay a blanket down.

Whatever side of the fence you're on, if they accidentally jump on, or you're all for snuggles, the best vacuum for pet hair will keep things clean.

Millie joined Real Homes in early 2021 as a homes news writer. When she isn't writing about trends, makeovers and houseplant care, she spends her free time making tweaks to her rented flat in North London. Her next project is a very basic armchair reupholstering job to help create a cosy reading nook in her living room. She loves browsing antique centres, tending to her small front garden, and is never without some fresh flowers at home.