Before and after: this stylish upcycled outdoor kitchen was built for just £40

This dreamy kitchen space is perfect for alfresco entertaining

Blue outdoor wooden kitchen
(Image credit: Annabelle Rogers (@designermumetc))

With the weather heating up and this summer looking to be a Covid-safe alfresco affair, an outdoor kitchen is a must-have. But it doesn't have to be expensive – in fact, one savvy DIYer has managed to create one for just £40.

Instagrammer Belle Rogers (@designermumetc) upcycled leftover materials and unused furniture to create a stylish prep and cooking space on a serious budget. Now, she's revealed how she created her new outdoor room so you can do the same.

The before

Building of outdoor kitchen

(Image credit: Annabelle Rogers (@designermumetc))

The seed of the idea came from something similar Belle saw on Pinterest, and she was keen to build her own in a blank space in her garden. 'Our actual kitchen is at the other end of the house, so it made sense to have this around the entertaining/patio area,' says Belle.

The process

Building of outdoor kitchen

(Image credit: Annabelle Rogers (@designermumetc))

Belle used leftover materials and spare furniture to create the new kitchen. 'We had left-over wood from our pergola, tiles from our patio and bathroom, and slabs from the patio area around the back,' she says. 

'The main metal frame is an old desk from our office and the cabinet doors and shelves were made using old wooden pallets. I also had leftover paint! It only really cost me the ironmongery for the doors and the hooks/utensil rail, which cost about £40 in total.'

The after

Blue outdoor wooden kitchen

(Image credit: Annabelle Rogers (@designermumetc))

The finished kitchen features shelves and cupboards to store outdoor-proof essentials, a section for log storage, and a rail with hooks to hang utensils or decorations. A compact pizza oven sits atop the worktop, and a pergola overhead helps to keep the space shaded. 

Blue outdoor wooden kitchen

(Image credit: Annabelle Rogers (@designermumetc))

All that's left is to paint the shelves, put latches on the doors and add a few finishing touches – but Belle's already had friends around to test out the space. We can't wait to see what she does next – and if you want to follow along, check out her other projects on Instagram, including a new outdoor bathing area that's perfect for hot summer days.

Ellen Finch
Former deputy editor

Formerly deputy editor of Real Homes magazine, Ellen has been lucky enough to spend most of her working life speaking to real people and writing about real homes, from extended Victorian terraces to modest apartments. She's recently bought her own home and has a special interest in sustainable living and clever storage.