Suffering from sleep deprivation? You're not alone, but there is a fix

If sleep deprivation is becoming a problem, here's what to do about it

sleep deprivation
(Image credit: Slumberdown)

Like sleep? Us, too. But it's worrying to hear that sleep deprivation is prevalent amongst us, causing us (each) to miss out on 730 hours of sleep every year. We're tired just thinking about it...

This new research suggests that as many as 39 per cent claiming they NEVER get a decent night’s sleep. In fact, the report shows the average we get an average of just SIX hours a night, that’s two hours less than experts recommend, amounting to a deficit of 730 hours (equivalent of 91 nights or three months’ sleep) a year.

According to the report by Slumberdown, just under one in five (19 per cent) of Britons are getting the recommended eight hours a night, with 19 per cent getting by on an average of five hours and one in twenty (6 per cent) getting just four hours. And according to the survey, a lack of sleep is causing almost one in ten British couples to sleep apart every night.

The NHS claim that regular poor sleep can lead to medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Yet 30 per cent admit to feeling tired every day, while a staggering 44 per cent claim they hardly ever wake up feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep. What's to blame? Well a quarter (26 per cent) of us are kept awake with worries about life, while 20 per cent feel too hot and 18 per cent claim they suffer from vivid nightmares. Snoring is a contributing factor to lack of sleep, too, with 14 per cent complaining that their other half snores.

This is not good, guys, so to help we've selected some of our top buys to help you get the kip you need (every night) so you wake up feeling refreshed and well rested. Use our handy widget below for the best prices.

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Jennifer Oksien
Large Appliances Editor

Jennifer (Jen) is our Large Appliances Editor on the Homes eCommerce team.  Jen is constantly on the look out for the latest tech which claims to revolutionise how we wash our clothes, rinse the dishes, keep our food chilled and our floors dust-free. When she's not doing this she can be found at home in her Victorian terrace which she has lovingly (patiently) been renovating with her husband over the past few years. Jen also likes tea and homemade cake, very much.