This is the exact date to swap your duvet tog, says bedding expert

As the weather warms up, it'll soon be time to switch to something lighter

cobalt blue bedding in white bedroom with rubber plant and artwork on the wall
(Image credit: Undercover)

The clocks have sprung forward and the sun is out, so it might be a good time to think about switching your best duvet to something a little more spring-appropriate. A bedding expert has revealed the exact date to swap your duvet tog so you can enjoy the best sleep possible.

James Higgins, CEO of sustainable bedding company Ethical Bedding says April 2nd is the ideal time to pack away your winter duvet.

bright bedroom with wicker headboard and pink bedding

Bedding from Undercover Living

(Image credit: Undercover)

The exact date to change your duvet tog

'Waiting to change your duvet until there’s a heatwave is going to leave you stressed out and probably already a few days short on sleep,' warns James. He says April 2nd is the perfect time to make the switch from a winter thickness of 10.5-15 togs, to a summer one (4.5-7 togs).

Firstly, every year, things hot up significantly as we enter April. James notes that the week moving from March to April shows around a 28% increase in average daily temperatures. 

The 28% increase is based on data on the average daily temperatures from March to April over the last seven years in the UK. So if all of a sudden, the temperature is almost a third higher, it can make a huge difference to the heat retention in your bedroom, particularly in smaller boudoirs. 

white pillows and bedding with wooden headboard

(Image credit: Ethical Bedding)

Not only are we reaching a much warmer season, but a heatwave is also predicted in the UK, which could last from the 1st until the 15th of April. 'We would advise that people take to swap their bedding on the first weekend of the month, which will be Saturday 2nd April,' says James. 

When it comes to finding ways to sleep better, your mattress, pillows, and duvet are your first port of call. Duvet tog ratings can be a little confusing, but the scale ranges from 1 to 15, with 1 being very cool and 15 being the warmest. Most duvets start at 4.5.

spring bedroom with gingham pillows and lamp

(Image credit: Rebecca Udall)

Jo James, Founder & Creative Director of Bedfolk says a common misconception is that tog refers to the thickness of a duvet. 'The tog is actually a scale used to measure how good a duvet is at retaining heat,' Jo explains. 

The Bedfolk founder also agrees that it's a good idea to switch your duvet seasonally. Investing in the best mattress will also make a dramatic difference. 

Sweet dreams!

Millie joined Real Homes in early 2021 as a homes news writer. When she isn't writing about trends, makeovers and houseplant care, she spends her free time making tweaks to her rented flat in North London. Her next project is a very basic armchair reupholstering job to help create a cosy reading nook in her living room. She loves browsing antique centres, tending to her small front garden, and is never without some fresh flowers at home.