10 reasons to shop the Boxing Day sales online this year

Shopping the Boxing Day sales from the comfort of your own home – or round at your relatives’ – is the best solution, trust us. Here are all the reasons why

Boxing Day: Christmas shopping on laptop with presents around
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Looking to head to town for the Boxing Day sales this year? OK, you may be suffering from cabin fever by 26th December. Hitting the high street or a shopping centre to search for a Boxing Day bargain is not the answer, though. You’ll do better buying online for a whole lot of reasons. Oh, and as for your cabin fever, once you’ve finished your internet buying, you can get rid of that by going for a walk.

Want to get ahead? Check out our Boxing Day sales page for the best deals that are already live.

1. Avoid transport nightmares

Even before you get to the stores, things can get mighty hectic on Boxing Day with sports fans and families moving on to a different set of relatives all on the move – as well as shoppers. The roads are chaotic, public transport is rammed and working on holiday timetables... Why give yourself the hassle? You could have finished snapping up deals before the out-and-abouters have even found a parking space.

2. Steer clear of the crowds

Step in store and you’ll be joining a throng of sharp-elbowed bargain hunters. Add to that the browsers only there because they’ve been cooped up for too long in stuffy rooms (and who think what you’ve got your eye on is now exactly what they must look at) and it’s a recipe for stress.

Better to stay in with space and time to look at the bargains, away from both the serious deal hounds and the bargain swipers.

3. Browse at leisure

You may be laser-focused on your Boxing Day purchases, but perhaps you, too, are just looking at what’s on offer for less now the present giving is done. Here’s your opportunity to take as long as you like checking out all your favourite stores’ offerings without worrying about opening and closing times.

4. Make better decisions

Human nature being what it is, if you see a mob of other shoppers going for a particular buy, you’re going to get interested. But what if you have a list and don’t want to be tempted by other buys? Away from the pressure of the crowd and looking at your own screen, focusing on what you want to save on this Boxing Day is far easier.

5. Change your mind

Human nature being what it is (part two), you might change your mind about what you’ve bought. Shop online and, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations, usually you can cancel your order and receive a refund – even if what you went for was in an online sale.

You can cancel as soon as you place the order, or up to 14 calendar days from receipt. You’ll need to return what you’ve bought if you change your mind at this point, of course, and that needs to be done within 14 calendar days of cancellation.

There are some exceptions – like personalised items – but shopping online gives you rights on top of those you have when you shop in store, to which we say, hurrah.

6. Mattress buyers, you'll get a free trial

Change your mind time could be up to 100 days long if what you’re after this Boxing Day is a mattress. Order online from most modern mattress and bed companies and the free trial period is generous.

Weigh it up: a quick lie down in a shop on Boxing Day, or a real test? We know which one we’d recommend. And, if you check out our guide to the best mattresses, you'll know which ones are a great purchase without having to lie on every one in your local bed store.

Discover all the reasons why you should shop online for a mattress

Casper Hybrid mattress on bed

The online mattress-in-a-box revolution has changed how we buy bedding and mattresses. The popular Casper mattress arrives in a box that is easy to move

(Image credit: Casper)

7. Compare deals

When you spot what looks like a bargain in one store, you’re going to have to trek round to the competitors to see if they’re doing it cheaper. Time-consuming, hard on the feet, and potentially confusing (was it really cheaper in the first place you looked, or was it the second one?) Online, you can see and compare buys easily.

Even better, price comparison buttons – like ours which always serve the lowest price – show you the best deals on a particular buy right when you’re looking. How much of a time saver is that?!

8. Check out unbiased reviews

It might look like a bargain, but is it really worth your hard-earned cash? Shop online and you can pause and check out unbiased reviews before you click to put an appliance, mattress, or other major item for your home, into your virtual trolley.

And, yes, we know you can have a gander on your phone in store, but how much less pressurised to check out our reviews from your own sofa.

9. Avoiding carrying your purchases or hanging around arranging delivery

Shop in store and once you’ve made your purchase, you might well have to battle through the crowds laden with bags, or an awkwardly shaped thingamyjig. Or, if your buy’s more substantial, you might end up standing about over-heating in your winter coat sorting out a delivery.

Online, delivery’s already factored in and all you have to do is click as you place your order. Even a mattress can arrive in a surprisingly unbulky box that won’t fill your hallway.

10. Another mince pie? Why not?

Scroll, click, tuck into a Christmas treat, a festive beverage and pop a movie on in the background. You can’t do that on the shop floor.

Want to see this season's best sellers?

Sarah Warwick
Freelance Editor

Sarah is a freelance journalist and editor writing for websites, national newspapers, and magazines. She’s spent most of her journalistic career specialising in homes – long enough to see fridges become smart, decorating fashions embrace both minimalism and maximalism, and interiors that blur the indoor/outdoor link become a must-have. She loves testing the latest home appliances, revealing the trends in furnishings and fittings for every room, and investigating the benefits, costs and practicalities of home improvement. It's no big surprise that she likes to put what she writes about into practice, and is a serial house revamper. For Realhomes.com, Sarah reviews coffee machines and vacuum cleaners, taking them through their paces at home to give us an honest, real life review and comparison of every model.