TikToker shares natural mattress stain cleaning hack – and it looks amazing

(Image credit: Made to Last)

A TikToker has shared an impressive natural mattress cleaning hack. Exposed to coffee stains, skin cells and sweat, even the best mattress money can buy will need cleaning from time to time. 

If you need to clean yours fast, try out this simple method by @vanesamaro91. In the clip below, she uses a mix of hydrogen peroxide, water, clear and natural dish soap, and some optional drops of essential oils.

bare mattress and pillows in light and bright bedroom with window

(Image credit: Darlings of Chelsea)

TikTok natural mattress cleaning hack

When it comes to how to clean a mattress, there are various routes to take. For this hack, you'll need a spray bottle handy. 

Vanesa measures out two cups of water, one cup of hydrogen peroxide, five drops of natural dish soap and five drops of some essential oils. Next, she shakes the mixture up, and sprays it directly onto the stains on her mattress, one of which is spilled coffee.

She alternates between brushing the area with a spare toothbrush and blotting it with a white towel. Eventually, the stain vanishes.


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Thousands of likes and hundreds of grateful comments later, it's safe to say this trick went down well. 'Omg I NEEDED this because I spilled coffee on my mattress,' one wrote. 'I tried vinegar and water, didn't work, so gonna try this. Thank you!'

Many people had spilled coffee on their mattress, while others were inspired to give the mattress in their guest bedroom a clean having seen this natural mattress cleaning hack. In the comments, Vanesa says that the hack will most likely work on old stains as well as new ones. 

She also says that the hydrogen peroxide won't leave a stain. Hydrogen peroxide is simply water with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2), a mild antiseptic used on cuts, burns, and scrapes.

white bedroom with buttoned white bed and lamp on side table

(Image credit: Darlings of Chelsea)

If you try this at home as part of your natural spring cleaning routine, make sure you use colorless dish soap, available at Amazon. Otherwise, you may end up with yet another stain, which nobody needs.

Will you be giving this natural mattress cleaning hack a go?


Millie joined Real Homes in early 2021 as a homes news writer. When she isn't writing about trends, makeovers and houseplant care, she spends her free time making tweaks to her rented flat in North London. Her next project is a very basic armchair reupholstering job to help create a cosy reading nook in her living room. She loves browsing antique centres, tending to her small front garden, and is never without some fresh flowers at home.