5 things we hate most about winter. Happy Grinch-mas

The things we hate the most about winter revealed. Oh boy, there are many

melting snowman
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Winter does bring with it some pleasures: cosy nights in wrapped in blankets; hot chocolate and mulled wine; and, of course, Christmas. On the flipside, there are lots of things we – that is, the residents of the British isles – absolutely loathe about winter. 

And, if we're entirely honest, all the mulled wine and presents only just about compensate for all the stuff about the winter months that is physically challenging or just plain annoying. So, without further ado, here are Brits' top winter hates*.

1. Snow

Ask just about anyone what they really want on Christmas Day, and chances are they'll say 'snow'. Dreaming of a white Christmas is something of a national preoccupation – until we get the snow, that is. Snow almost inevitably grinds public transport and trains to a halt, and then turns to a slushy, dirty mess as it melts. 

2. Your neighbours' obnoxious Christmas decorations

Tasteful is good, we like tasteful. Except that people's concepts of what tasteful Christmas decorations look like vary wildly. Insta-worthy fairy lights? Maybe. Or how about herds of neon reindeer and inflatable Santas? Add to that lots of eye twitch-inducing blinking, et voila – Christmas has just got annoying. Thanks, neighbours.

3. Iced over roads, cars, and pavements

Nothing kills the festive vibe like skidding all over your driveway (after having spent half an hour defrosting the windows), and mincing over pavements glazed over with ice, praying to make it to our destination intact. Well, there is grit, you'll say. But we hate the grit, too – it destroys our shoes and makes the pavements muddy. 

4. Constant fireworks

This one really gets on a lot of people's nerves. If you're the one setting off the fireworks in your garden, it's all 'oooh, aaah', but if you're the one indoors, trying to watch a movie in peace, it's more 'oh, no, not again'. To say nothing of our terrified pets who are going to remain in a state of deep neurosis all the way into February. Some people are so annoyed by the constant fireworks between November and late winter that they've been launching petitions asking for non-professional fireworks displays to be banned outright. 

5. The weather

bad weather

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Oh yes, did we mention the Great British winter weather? When it pours with rain one day (welcome soggy feet), goes all freezing another (and that's the day you're going to forget your gloves and hat, always), when the winds blow, and you leave the house and come back in the dark. But hey, at least we're united in our hatred of the rubbish weather. Merry Christmas, everyone. 

* List provided by BillyOh.com

What we at RH.com love about winter? The sales' bargains...

Anna is a professional writer with many years of experience. She has a passion for contemporary home decor and gardening. She covers a range of topics, from practical advice to interior and garden design.