Could working from home mean a move to the country for you?

Estate agents are reporting a rise in buyer registrations in less urban areas. Will working from home during the pandemic trigger a rural renaissance?

working from home in the country
(Image credit: Getty)

Is working from home making you long to return to the daily office commute? For many Britons, the answer is decisively in the negative, with estate agents reporting a surge of interest in homes located in less densely populated areas.

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While many of us have fantasised about relocating to the Hebrides after a bad day at work, the current mood appears to be shifting way beyond fantasy and into the realm of buyer registrations. 

The estate giant Savills a huge increase of interest in homes in the Inverness area in Scotland, the Shetlands, and idyllic English locations such as Dorset and Winchester. As reported by the Guardian, Savills polled almost 700 registered buyers and sellers, almost half of whom are now expecting to work from home regularly and are seriously considering moving to a less urban area.  

Andrew Perratt, the head of country residential at Savills, pointed out that 'the jump in new buyer registrations' suggests that this isn't just about 'bored dreamers' browsing homes in inaccessible locations. In fact, the top location picks for these new buyer registrations suggest serious intent: they are not quite rural and all are close to or in a town, but all offer a very different pace of life from London. 

Could moving to the country be for you? Only you will know how you've felt about the very limited range of entertainment and socialising options during lockdown, and that is the reality of life in a small village or rural location. You will also need to think about access to food shops, medical care, and transport links if you don't drive/don't want to drive all the time.

You'll also need to bear in mind that if you choose to live in a picturesque location (think a beach of a National Trust site), you'll need to be prepared for the inevitable influx of visitors during the warmer months.

And if you've got kids who will soon be teenagers? We'd think twice (they won't thank you).

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Don't miss the UK's first virtual Working From Home Show, which will take place on July 30 & 31. Whether you're a business owner or employee, you'll be able to join interactive seminars, watch product demonstrations and visit exhibitors with products that will make working from home that little bit easier.
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Anna is a professional writer with many years of experience. She has a passion for contemporary home decor and gardening. She covers a range of topics, from practical advice to interior and garden design.