What your artwork says about you, according to an interiors therapist

From family photos to natural scenes and moody abstracts, your art says a lot about your state of mind

plum wall with five prints and a floral arrangement on a side unit
(Image credit: Desenio)

Banksy famously said blank walls are criminal - so if you've had some prints waiting to be hung for months, get them up! But what does your chosen artwork say about your personality or mindset?

Prints and photographs add instant interest, whether it be a single framed postcard or a hallway full of gallery wall ideas. An interiors therapist has reamed up with Awesome Merchandise to reveal just what your artwork says about you.

Black dining wall idea with selection of pre-printed artwork

(Image credit: Desenio)

'The most treasured pieces of art I find in homes are the ones displayed because, regardless of price, origin or content, they bring delight to their owners,' says Suzanne Roynon. The Interiors Therapist and author of Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks your Relationship, on Amazon says that we are attracted to pieces of art that represent our life at a subconscious level.

'This is particularly prevalent for people who are stressed or anxious, and those who are single or recently separated,' she comments. 'They gravitate to images which reinforce their emotional state or single status.'

Images of nature

print of a nature scene along with a wooden side table and indoor tree

(Image credit: Desenio)

You like your home to feel calm. Scenes of nature can help to create a soothing feel in any room - making them a good option if you're thinking of gifting artwork this Christmas. 

Suzanne recommends anyone who is very stressed and busy at work to hang art depicting an inspiring woodland scene or enticing winding path to help them unwind.

Family photos

family photos in black frames on a grey wall

(Image credit: Photolini)

You have strong family values. 'To keep a photo is to have loved and been loved,' says Suzanne. 'A few, well-chosen images are a perfect sentimental attachment to family and cherished loved ones who are no longer around.' 

The interiors therapist says parents struggling with badly behaved children of any age should put old childhood photos away. Only using up-to-date photos removes trigger memories of being a stroppy teen or toddler, she says.

Moody monochromes

wall of moody monochrome prints in a living area

(Image credit: Desenio)

You may have a chaotic or irrational mind. Suzanne believes dark, moody abstract works bear heavy chaotic energy, which makes it difficult to make decisions.

Bright, breezy vivid colours, on the other hand, can lift spirits. But both can represent lack of control, distraction, scattered thoughts, erratic behavior and ambiguity - so choose an abstract with this in mind.

Motivational quotes

nine prints arranged together on a wall

(Image credit: Desenio)

You are highly driven. Using written affirmations can help us to focus on our goals, but Suzanne recommends avoiding phrases that include any negative words like 'don't' or 'never'. 

Instead of 'Never give up', choose a positive, inspiring phrase, as the subconscious mind will ignore the 'never' - defeating the purpose. 'We need to be aware of the impact of accidental negative messaging on mental health and wellbeing,' says Suzanne. 

If she sees any unhelpful words in a home, she always recommends finding something more inspiring.

Millie joined Real Homes in early 2021 as a homes news writer. When she isn't writing about trends, makeovers and houseplant care, she spends her free time making tweaks to her rented flat in North London. Her next project is a very basic armchair reupholstering job to help create a cosy reading nook in her living room. She loves browsing antique centres, tending to her small front garden, and is never without some fresh flowers at home.