London has the highest number of people living with their parents – but Bristol's parents charge the highest rents

More than half of Britons have lived with their parents at some point, especially if they live in the capital

(Image credit: Getty)

Do you still live at home, despite holding down a job and being more than ready to leave? You're not alone. A study by MyJobQuote has polled more than 2,736 people over the age of 18 across the UK, asking them whether they have lived with their parents while in full-time employment. 

Turns out, more than half of UK adults (51 per cent) have lived with their parents for a year or longer, with the highest proportion of those who have done so in London, where a staggering 72 per cent of working adults have admitted to having lived with mum and dad. 

A third of the Britons who have lived with their parents have paid some form of rent, with the average amount of £230 per month. Interestingly, residents of Bristol pay their parents the most in rent – an average £360 per month, as opposed to the considerably smaller amount of £150 per month in London. 

The top reasons given for living with their parents by those that had done or were still doing it were: ‘I can’t afford my own place’ (38 per cent); ‘I wanted to save up some money’ (26 per cent); and ‘I wasn’t ready to live on my own’ (21 per cent). Almost all of those who didn’t pay rent to their parents felt it was acceptable as they either contributed financially in other areas (40 per cent); did their fair share of cleaning (28 per cent); or simply couldn’t afford to contribute (24 per cent).

Commenting on the findings of the study, Lisa Evans, spokesperson for MyJobQuote, says, 'In this period of great economic uncertainty, it is no surprise that so many people are choosing to live with their parents until they are able to move into their own place. We have noticed an increase in people choosing to renovate rather than relocate, and this is the same situation. Those that are lucky enough to be able to live with their parents and pay cheap rent may as well do so while they are able.'

Anna is a professional writer with many years of experience. She has a passion for contemporary home decor and gardening. She covers a range of topics, from practical advice to interior and garden design.