FREE Sophie Allport apron, teatowel and recipe book when you subscribe to Period Living

Save 45% on a subscription to Britain's best-selling period homes magazine and get a free Sophie Allport apron, worth £21, teatowel, worth £9, and recipe book, worth £9.99

Period Living Christmas subscription offer
(Image credit: Period Living)

A subscription to Period Living magazine is the perfect source of inspiration for anyone who owns an older property, or just loves characterful style. 

Providing all you need to know about decorating, maintaining and improving a period home, as well as features on gardens, antiques and vintage, heritage icons and days out, Period Living is a complete lifestyle package.

Want to treat yourself or a friend to the perfect Christmas gift? For a limited time, when you subscribe to Period Living by direct debit for 12 months for just £29.99, you'll also receive a FREE Sophie Allport Partridge apron, worth £21, teatowel, worth £9, and Eat Well Live Better book, worth £9.99.

Subscribing means you'll never miss an issue of your favourite magazine as we'll deliver it straight to your door every month (or a recipient's address). It's too good a deal to miss!

Your free gifts

Sophie Allport Partridge apron

Your free Sophie Allport Partridge apron is worth £21 – subscribe to get this beautiful gift

(Image credit: Sophie Allport)

Sophie Allport Partridge teatowel

Your free Sophie Allport Partridge teatowl is worth £9 – subscribe to get this beautiful gift

(Image credit: Sophie Allport)

Eat Well Live Better recipe book

You’ll also receive a copy of Eat Well Live Better, worth £9.99, full of tasty and wholesome recipes to make

(Image credit: Future)


Period Living January 2021 cover

(Image credit: Period Living)

Period Living is not only Britain's best-selling period homes magazine, but it's Britain's fastest-growing homes magazine too.

Every month it is filled with beautiful period homes and gardens, decorating and shopping inspiration, fascinating lifestyle and special interest features, and expert advice for everything from buying antiques to maintaining an old home.

Enjoy a preview of a recent issue below:


  • 12 issues of Period Living for just £29.99 by direct debit
  • A saving of 45% on the cover price
  • A free Sophie Allport Partridge apron, worth £21
  • A free Sophie Allport Partridge teatowel, worth £9
  • A free Eat Well Live Better book, worth £9.99
  • Delivery direct to your door

So don’t delay and get Britain’s best-selling period homes magazine delivered every month to you or a lucky recipient by signing up to this exclusive deal today.