Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Emily is senior art editor on Real Homes magazine and has been designing the magazine for over 11 years. Some might say the magazine is her third baby. When she's not designing the pages of the magazine, Emily's either out walking her cockapoo or dreaming up new ways to update the home she shares with her husband and two teenage boys. She's not sure the boys appreciate her interior style, though. Her eldest recently told her he just wants a 'normal' bedroom – she was only trying to add some artwork to his bare grey walls… 

Experience After a HND in Design (Typography), Emily fell in love with magazine design. Having designed many different types of magazine, ranging from fashion and beauty to a soccer magazine in the States, her love of interior design and passion for graphic design collided when she started working on Real Homes. When she isn’t trying to fit all the pesky words into the magazine (she's convinced we all write too much), she can be found art directing house shoots or working with the web team on image and graphic choices.

Emily's home style Emily loves a dark wall. Apart from her kitchen, every room in her home is painted in a dark shade of grey or black. She finds a dark wall creates the perfect backdrop for the colour she brings in through furniture, artwork and accessories (or clutter, as her husband likes to call it) to shine. Plus, she loves proving that you don't have to be afraid to add strong colour to your home. She also likes making things – or making a mess, if you ask the love of her life. Her next project is trying to convince her husband that they should paint the ceiling in the lounge a pale shade of pink, but at the moment, he isn't exactly loving the idea. Also at the top of her list – and she never thought she'd say this – is buying a carpet cleaner. The wet winter and a new puppy have not been kind to the carpets in her house. Then again, maybe she can teach the dog to wear wellies instead?