How to care for stone flooring (in just one easy step)

Keep your stone floors and surfaces looking good as new with this simple solution

Fitting floor insulation in old house
(Image credit: Douglas Gibb)

We all love the look of natural flooring, whether it’s in the home or in your garden. It gives a lovely, rustic feel to a room and is a practical choice for a garden, however to keep them looking at their best they do need a touch of maintenance. Lucky for you, Osmo have just launched two new, really easy to use products that will protect your stone flooring and surfaces against any dirt build up or water damage. The oils are environmentally friendly too (a big plus in our eyes) and are really long lasting so you won’t have to keep repeating the job every few months. 

Both Osmo Stone and Terracotta Oil and Osmo Concrete Oil have been designed for outdoor and indoor use. They work with the material to create a really breathable finish that doesn’t show up as a sheen on the surface nor does it crack or peel. Basically, it’s a near invisible film that just protects your tiles from everyday wear and tear. 

How to care for exterior flooring with Osmo Stone and Terracotta Oil

Osmo oils

(Image credit: Osmo)

Osmo Stone and Terracotta Oil is a clear, natural oil that you will barely notice once on your tiles as it penetrates through the pores of the tiles making them water and dirt repellent as well as stain-resistant. Once dried the oil also seals the tiles so you will see a reduction in and dust coming off your flooring. While it works wonders on flooring it is also suited for exterior paving and window sills made of granite as well as limestone and slate.

Application is really easy too, just give your flooring a thorough clean and make sure it’s dry, then spread the oil thinly using an Osmo flat brush or a microfibre roller. Allow to dry for 8 to 10 hours. 

How to care for interior flooring with Osmo Concrete Oil

Osmo oils

(Image credit: Osmo)

Osmo Concrete Oil, is made from natural oils and wax that will protect your flooring against water and dirt. It works perfectly on artificial stone and natural stone as well as on concrete and is ideal for sealing porous floor tiles before grouting.It also suited for wall panelling and flooring in the kitchen and bathroom as well as stone tabletops, window sills and kitchen worktops. 

It’s just as easy to apply, again just work in small sections, applying thin layers with a brush or microfibre roller. You can also apply this with the Osmo flat brush and the drying time is between 8-10 hours. 

If you are after any more tips on how to use or apply either of the new Osmo oils they have a really handy tab over on their site, so be sure to check that out too. 

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