Aleena Ansari

Contributing editor

My name is Aleenah Ansari (she/her), and I’m equal parts storyteller, creative problem solver, and journalist at heart who’s rooted in the stories of people behind code and user interfaces. By day, I support the adoption of Bing Chat Enterprise, Microsoft’s AI-powered chat solution for work, through customer storytelling and demos for events, video production, and search engine optimization across our content. As a freelance writer, I cover travel, representation in media, and entrepreneurship for The Seattle Times, Insider, Joysauce, Byrdie, and more.

Career (and life) highlights include hosting a Q&A with Her First $100k founder Tori Dunlap, trekking to Everest Base Camp, running webinars on storytelling and personal branding, overseeing content strategy for a fully-funded Kickstarter for a photography memoir, and writing a number of mural walks and author Q&As for The Seattle Times.

Aleena Ansari