5 reasons why you need to invest in a bamboo pillow

Comfy, supportive annnnd sustainable, what more could you want?

Panda pillow
(Image credit: Panda)

We think a lot about how to improve our sleep. We scroll through articles about how using our phones before bed is just the worst thing you can do, make ourselves vile tasting herbal teas that promise to bring on the zzz’s and listen to soothing, if not slightly creepy, whale noises in hope that they will lull us off to sleep. But have you ever thought that maybe something as simple as switching up your pillow could be the key to a restful, comfortable night’s sleep? Enter, the Panda Pillow.

The Panda Pillow comes from the sustainable, eco-friendly brand Panda, who are the leading UK brand for bamboo products. Along with the pillow, they produce bamboo duvets, bamboo toppers and bamboo bedding, basically anything you can stick on a bed they make, so you can sleep safe in the knowledge that you are doing your bit for our planet.

So why switch your current pillow to an eco-friendly, memory foam, bamboo pillow? Well we can think of a few reasons...

1. Super supportive

The most important thing you want in a pillow is for it to be supportive and suit the way you sleep. The Panda Pillow definitely has you covered in this department. The pillow is made using the latest technology of visco memory foam, which is recommended by doctors and orthopaedic experts. It has a three layer construction which enables the pillow to be soft and comfy on the initial touch, but the firm core provides the proper neck and shoulder support needed for the perfect night’s sleep.

Panda pillow

(Image credit: Panda)

2. Insanely soft

Right, we get it. When you think of bamboo you don’t automatically think of incredibly soft, super light, I want to lay my head on that ever night. But actually, Panda products are made using the finest bamboo fibres, which results in products that are not only extremely soft, but lightweight and silky too. 

3. Naturally Hypoallergenic & Antibacterial

Bamboo products are ideal for those of your who might suffer from allergies or have sensitive skin. Bamboo is actually a natural antibacterial so is suitable for those who have eczema, sensitive skin or hay fever.  All Panda products are also Oeko-Tex Standard 100 approved so they have been tested to make sure they are perfectly safe for babies and people with even the most sensitive of skin. 

4. Temperature controlled 

Is there anything more frustrating than feeling the bliss of turning your pillow over to the cool side only for it to get hot and uncomfortable a few minutes later? With the Panda Pillow that will be a problem of the past. Thanks to the breathable bamboo cover that keeps the air flowing, the pillow is temperature controlled, so it will keep warm in the winter and cooler in the summer. 

Panda pillow

(Image credit: Panda)

5. Vegan and eco-friendly

We are all more conscious of the effect we are having on our planet, so making good choices where we can is so important. Bamboo is one of the world’s fastest growing and dense resources. It’s self propagating, which basically means unlike more traditional woods, it will replenish itself. Plus it uses up to 70% less water to produce compared to cotton, which is what your current pillows and bedding is probably made from. 

The Panda Pillow itself is totally cruelty free and vegan, plus it is delivered in compostable packaging that is 100% recyclable. What’s not to love here, a delicious new pillow annnd you’re doing your bit for the Earth. Win, win. 

We should also just let you know that the Panda Pillow has a 30 night trial, so you can test it for a whole month it see if you love it, and they offer free UK returns if you are not completely satisfied. 

Panda pillow

(Image credit: Panda)

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