Doors Windows Folding sliding doors Olsen Doors and Windows Ltd

Timber and Aluminium Windows

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Telephone: 0844 826 7766
Location: Midlands, Nottinghamshire, All UK & Northern Ireland

Timber & aluminium windows, more commonly known as alu-clad timber windows are a combination of timber and aluminium frames.

Internally the windows are made from engineered timber which gives the frames a high insulation level as well as the ability to be stained or lacquered so the natural beauty of the timber can be appreciated.

Externally these windows are clad in aluminium, thus the name alu-clad timber windows. This cladding is typically done by using clips attached to the timber frames. This external aluminium cladding gives the windows several benefits. Most importantly it means the timber is protected from the elements, meaning the timber frames likely to have extended life-spans, requiring next to no maintenance throughout their lives.

This option also means a dual colour product is standard, with one stain or paint colour on the timber internally and a different, if you wish, paint colour externally.

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